When my daughter started crawling it wasn’t long before she also started pulling up, as babies tend to do. At the time, however, our home didn’t present many opportunities for her to practice pulling up because most of our flat surfaces were just a bit too high for her to get any leverage. I noticed that at her weekly baby gym class she would gravitate to the little parallel bars for kids to practice pulling up. As soon as I saw them I knew I could easily make my own version, so off to Home Depot I went to get what I needed for my DIY Pull up bars for babies.
Supplies needed for pull up bars:

- Several pieces of 3/4″ PVC pipe, cut into various lengths: 2 24″ pieces, 4 12″ pieces, 2 14″ pieces and 4 7″ pieces
- 4 elbow joints
- 4 “T” joints
- 4 end caps
- A roll of colored duck tape.
Instructions for DIY Pull ups bars for babies:
First, I attached the “T” joints to the 14″ pieces.

Next, I put the end caps on the 7″ pieces.

Then I added the 7″ pieces into the other side of the “T” of the “T” joints.

Then I put the 12″ pieces into the third opening of the “T” joint.

Finally, I attached the 24″ pieces to the rest of the pieces.
As a last step, I wrapped the top pieces of the bars with colored duct tape so that baby would be better able to grip the bars.
Super easy project and really cheap!
I think we spent less than $20 for all the supplies. You can’t beat that! One thing I would suggest doing that I didn’t do would be to put little rubber pads on the bottom of the bars so they don’t slide when your baby leans on them. Or, if you can find a clever way to weight the “feet” of the bars, that would work too. If you have a crawler at home, this is a definite must-do project! Your little mover and shaker will thank you!Β