When I was pregnant with my first child, my husband and I quickly decided that we wouldn’t find out the gender. I didn’t want to know. I liked the idea of being surprised during birth and for some reason, finding out kind of felt like I was cheating. We learned a lot about not finding out gender of baby.
I’m going to be honest – The only reason I ever attend a Superbowl party is so I can eat all of the delicious, guilt-inducing, thigh-widening food. What’s better than an excuse to eat a month’s worth of fried, cheesy treats in one day?!
As any pregnant mama knows, packing a hospital bag is anΒ overwhelmingΒ task. There’s so much anticipation and nervousness tied to it, and if you’re about be a first-time mom, you really don’t know what you’ll end up using or needing.
My husband and I had a huge fight this week.
And by fight, I mean the kind of yelling match that lingers in the air for days after, leaving everyone feeling raw, exhausted and regretful of their behaviour. The kind of fight that only happens once every few years.
With the recent closure of schools and daycares across North America, parents have been faced with the task of entertaining their kids at home for the next few weeks (at least). Listen mamas, the reality of all of this is that it’s going to be hard, it’s going to be boring, and we’re all going to go a little bit stir crazy. It’s a completely necessary measure and it’s our responsibility to take it seriously and stop the spread of this pandemic. But, that doesn’t change the fact that everyone’s kids are home and they’re ALL asking the same question: What are we going to do today?
“If we buy this house, we’re not having another baby. You know that, right?”
Deep down, I kind of already knew that. But hearing my husband say it out loud made my stomach drop. When we decided to buy a new home this spring, it solidified our future with a reality I wasn’t quite ready to accept: No more babies.
We all know that having a baby and sleep deprivation are synonymous with each other. But I’m sure all new moms can relate to – at some point – having felt serious frustration and resentment towards their partner for what feels like a serious inequality in loss of sleep.
It’s hard out here for a mom. Even the most basic of beauty routines can feel like an impossible task when you hardly get an uninterrupted moment in the bathroom.
While I truly believe child rearing is one of the most joyful and fulfilling experiences a woman can have, the ugly truth is that it’s often a formula for low self-esteem and a whole lot of self-doubt.
I’m not an antiseptic, germophobic mom.