preparing for daycare Archives - The Mabelhood Tue, 17 Sep 2024 13:49:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 preparing for daycare Archives - The Mabelhood 32 32 Minimize The Childcare Germs: Tips to Keep Your Little Ones Healthy and Happy Thu, 12 Oct 2023 15:48:39 +0000 As a parent, one of the biggest worries when it comes to sending your kiddo to childcare is the spread of germs. Daycares can be a hotbed for germs, with little ones constantly touching and sharing toys. But don’t worry, childcare providers are superheroes in keeping our little ones happy and healthy. And hey, a [...]

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As a parent, one of the biggest worries when it comes to sending your kiddo to childcare is the spread of germs. Daycares can be a hotbed for germs, with little ones constantly touching and sharing toys. But don’t worry, childcare providers are superheroes in keeping our little ones happy and healthy. And hey, a few sniffles here and there just mean your child’s immune system is getting stronger!

However, there are ways to limit the spread of germs and keep your child healthy. Here are the easiest ways to limit daycare germs:

1. Keep Your Child Home When They’re Sick

When your little one is under the weather, it’s best to keep them at home instead of sending them to daycare. Not only will this ensure that other kids don’t catch the bug, but it will also help your child feel better faster. Remember to follow your daycare’s sick policy and keep your little one at home until they’re ready to get back at it.

Let’s face it – we’ve all been there. Sick days are a part of life, and they’re bound to happen, so have a backup plan in place. Whether it’s a work-from-home situation with your boss, a grandparent, or a friendly neighbor, make sure you have a go-to plan before starting daycare. You won’t be caught off guard when the sniffles strike.

2. Germs are inevitable – so stay positive

They’re Let’s face it: daycare germs are like glitter; once they get in, they’re hard to get rid of. But don’t worry, it’s not all bad news! Think of it this way: your child builds up their immune system and becomes a little germ-fighting ninja. So, instead of stressing about the inevitable, embrace it positively and let your child’s immune system do its job.

3. Label Your Kids Stuff to Prevent Germy Mix-ups

It’s simple: a name label for daycare can help prevent the spread of germs. In fact, most daycares mandate this! These magically little peel-and-stick labels can ensure your baby doesn’t get someone else’s pacifier in their mouth (gross!). You can rest assured knowing this will limit the spread of germs and ensure that your child isn’t drinking from someone else’s cup or bottle.

There are many other benefits to name labels: no more rooting around the lost & found bins or replacing costly items, name recognition for your little one, and helping put shoes on the right feet, to name a few!

4. Hand Washing for Toddlers – the easiest way to prevent germs!

Hand washing is an important habit that toddlers should start developing early on. Encouraging toddlers to wash their hands regularly can help prevent the spread of germs and illnesses. It’s essential to teach them how to use soap and water properly and to make sure they wash their hands before eating, after using the toilet, and after playing with toys or pets. By making hand washing a regular part of their routine, toddlers can learn to manage their own hygiene and stay healthy.

5. Speak With Your Family Doctor About Vaccinations

Vaccinations are an essential tool in the fight against germs. Speak with your doctor about this and get all the information you need to make an informed decision about vaccinations and keeping your child up-to-date.

6. Ways to Keep Your Child’s Immune System Strong

We all know that kids can be little germ magnets, but with a strong immune system, they can fend off those pesky bugs and stay healthy. To help boost your child’s immune system, make sure they get plenty of sleep, eat a balanced diet, and get enough exercise and fresh air. Encourage them to play outside and make it a family activity by going on nature walks or playing sports together – this will help them breathe better, sleep better, help their mental and physical health, and even improve their eyesight!

If you’re looking for other ways to support your child’s immune system, talk to your doctor about supplements or other natural remedies. And remember, laughter is the best medicine! So, don’t forget to have fun and enjoy all the little moments with your child.

7. Communicate with Your Childcare Provider

One of the most important things we can do is communicate with our daycare providers about any concerns or questions we may have. Don’t be afraid to ask about their cleaning procedures and sick policy – after all, we want our kids to be in good hands! By working together, we can ensure that our daycare centers are clean, safe, and full of smiles. Most daycares are very happy to speak about this, after all, it’s their health and safety at risk too so they’re just as invested in keeping everyone healthy as you are!

Remember, good hygiene habits, keeping your child home when they’re sick, hand washing, name labels, and keeping your child’s immune system strong, are all key steps in preventing the spread of germs and keeping your child healthy. The daycare germs can certainly feel overwhelming for new parents, it seems never-ending, so stay positive and remember that it’s all just a part of them building that healthy immune system!

Starting daycare and wondering where to begin? Check out this list of what to pack for daycare, and what comes back-and-forth each day.  


The post Minimize The Childcare Germs: Tips to Keep Your Little Ones Healthy and Happy appeared first on The Mabelhood.

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How to Label Your Stuff For Daycare Fri, 19 Nov 2021 16:00:00 +0000 The end of maternity leave is a very sad time for many mothers. It can make you feel sick with a mix of emotions: guilt, anxiety, sadness, and fear. It’s also liberating for some moms, those who feel the need to get their life and career moving again. Moms can be excited to have new [...]

The post How to Label Your Stuff For Daycare appeared first on The Mabelhood.

The end of maternity leave is a very sad time for many mothers. It can make you feel sick with a mix of emotions: guilt, anxiety, sadness, and fear. It’s also liberating for some moms, those who feel the need to get their life and career moving again. Moms can be excited to have new challenges outside of the home. However you feel about it, we can all agree that the logistics are complex. From packing to pick-up times, it’s not an easy transition to make. Nobody can take the anxiety away, but we can help ease the logistical challenge and steer you in the right direction with getting more organized for the next step.

Why Label for Daycare?

This is a question we used to get quite often at Mabel’s. Today, in post-pandemic life. We want to avoid germy mix-ups. This is, by far, the number one reason for labels. We know these days that a runny nose can lead to many days at home, and (after heading back to work especially) this is just feasible for many parents.  

Secondly, the daycare will require it.  And lastly, you’ve spent a lot of money on your kid’s items, and you don’t want them getting lost or going home to the wrong house.  

Why do I need to label the stuff I send to daycare?

1. Lost daycare items will cost you! 

When you’re considering packing for daycare, you are considering investing a lot of time and money into extra clothing, shoes, pacifiers, blankets, bottles, stuffies, diapers, wipes, and more. You want to ensure your baby has everything they’ll need to be comfortable when away from you. You also want to ensure that your child’s onesies don’t get mixed up with another’s and that the right stuffy gets tucked in with them at nap time. This can be a significant investment (on top of all your daycare costs), and replacing lost items adds up even faster. So, when daycare asks that you label your baby’s things, it’s not just to help them; it’s for your financial benefit, too!

2. Germy mix-ups lead to sick babies

It’s important to understand that labeling for daycare isn’t just about mixed-up and misplaced items. The past few years have taught us so much about the importance of keeping our kids safe and our childcare workers safe. They’re essential workers, and we must ensure they get a secure environment.    

Germs can cause a lot of stress to parents these days.

One of the moms’ biggest fears during the first few months of daycare is the new germs their kids are picking up. You went from experiencing very few colds to not knowing where one cold ends and the next one begins. Trying to avoid daycare germs feels like an exercise in futility, but as moms, we want to do everything we can to protect our little ones from being miserable with sniffles (a rash, a flu, or a stomach bug). Labeling is an easy way for the daycare provider to quickly look at and check the name on a pacifier or sippy cup before handing it to your baby. It’s the very first step in avoiding those unwanted germs. It’s simple and easy, yet crucial.

3. It’s a matter of safety for kids and staff

Name labels for baby bottles are essential to the daycare centers’ health and hygiene practices. This isn’t something you want to be negligent with. Babies and toddlers are highly susceptible to illness. It’s crucial as parents that you do your part to ensure that the daycare center can implement the policies and procedures needed to keep your child safe.

Here are a few things to consider when starting a daycare and labeling bottles:

  • Consult with your daycare and ensure you make them aware that your child’s nutritional needs are being met. Double-check the procedure to ensure this happens (whether through breast milk, cow’s milk, or formula). This will help you decide if you need date-stamped labels or name labels for whatever nourishment you’re sending. Open communication is critical to the feeding procedure running safely and smoothly and will also help ease your mind.
  • Most commonly, bottles must be labeled with name/date and time. The best baby bottle labels have your baby’s name and a spot to write and wipe off dates. Make sure to get ones that are dishwasher and sanitizer-safe! Those are precisely what your daycare center needs to ensure they’re adhering to their procedures on feeding your babies. Plus, it will make the process easier for you and more organized for everyone involved.

How to Label Common Daycare Items:

So, what do you need to label when packing your little one’s bag for daycare? The short answer: Everything that goes to daycare must have a label. Everything. To help you break it down, here’s a sample daycare packing list and some instructions on how you can keep everything identified:

  • Diapers, Diaper Cream, and Wipes: Don’t worry, you don’t need to label individual diapers! The daycare will keep them in your child’s cubby or diaper bag (hence why that should be labeled). However, it is a good idea to put some identification on your wipes and diaper cream. You’re guaranteed the same ones as someone else in the center.
  • Diaper Bag or Backpack: You’ll need to send a bag to hold all your child’s items in the daycare center. Attach a personalized tag to the loop or zipper so the center knows which cubby the bag should live in and always has a bag to corral your things.
  • Extra Clothing: You’ll need to send a spare change of clothes in case of any accidents or spills. Invest in a set of children’s name labels for clothes (there are peel-and-stick or iron-on varieties available), and make sure that every item of clothing is labeled. It’s hard for a busy caregiver to distinguish whose sock or onesie is whose!
  • Outerwear: Mitts are like socks; you’ll always end up with strays! Like your kid’s indoor spare clothes, washable clothing labels are the best way to label all clothing, including outdoor accessories like mittens and hats. There are peel-and-stick or iron-on varieties, and they’ll stay on through the washer and dryer, so you don’t have to keep re-labeling them repeatedly.
  • Indoor Shoes: Believe it or not, shoes are easily lost in the busy in-and-out shuffle at daycare. Ensure the inside of your little one’s shoes are labeled so they don’t end up in the lost and found pile.
The crucial stuff:
  • Pacifiers: Depending on the type of pacifier, you should be able to fit a small waterproof label on the front of it. Pacifiers differ so significantly that it’s difficult to say what will work best for your exact one. TIP: If you’re trying to label a silicone pacifier, no adhesive labels will stay on it, so you’d be better off attaching it to a pacifier clip and labeling that.
  • Sippy Cups and Bottles: Sippy cups and bottles are some of the most commonly lost items, so labeling them is a priority. They’re also a big culprit of viruses spreading, so make sure whatever name label you stick to them is prominent and highly visible! A dishwasher-safe label or personalized silicone bottle band is critical for these items.
  • Pumped Milk/Formula: Whether you’re sending breast milk or formula to childcare, your daycare will request that it be well-labeled. If you’re sending a recipe, don’t forget to label the container, lid, and even the little scoop (you don’t want it to go missing to avoid cross-contamination).

Head back to work feeling prepared.

In post-pandemic life, keeping a safe environment for staff, babies, and their families is more important than ever. It can be fearful, but with some organization and preparation, you can return to work feeling ready and excited.

Labeling your kid’s stuff is a simple and easy task that can significantly benefit how smoothly your daycare experience will go. With all the stress and anxiety surrounding your maternity leave ending, anything you can do to help with the organization will be beneficial.

The more organized you feel, the more you can ease your worries. Most importantly, above all that is good and labeled, go easy on yourself! Daycare drop-off is complicated, emotional, traumatizing, and an internal battle with yourself and your guilt. And remember, it’s okay to ugly cry. 

The post How to Label Your Stuff For Daycare appeared first on The Mabelhood.

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