
summer camp


Keeping track of which bottle belongs to your little one can be a challenging task, especially if you’re using silicone baby bottles, swim goggles, pacifiers, pop-its, funky pencil cases or anything else kids have that’s silicone! While it’s easy to write your baby’s name on the bottles, you might find that the name labels keep falling off, making it difficult to keep track of which bottle or pacifier belongs to your baby at daycare. We’ve heard from many parents who have faced this issue and have tried various hacks like painter’s tape, electrical tape, and Sharpies, but nothing works. Painter’s and electrical tape often peel off, while Sharpies tend to rub off and leave your little one’s hands stained. If you’re struggling with this problem, you’re not alone! Fortunately, there are some solutions that you can try that will work and help you keep track of which bottle belongs to…

As you prepare for the summer camp season, here are some tips to help you become more environmentally responsible and save money by reducing, reusing, and recycling! By following these simple tips, you can positively impact the environment, and bonus – keep costs down! So, whether you’re packing for your kids to head off to summer camp or not, please keep our environment in mind. With a little effort and some eco-friendly camp prep, we can all work towards a more sustainable future. Give an old backpack new life. Empty out your child’s trusty school backpack or dig out an extra one from a previous year. Pre-treat any unsightly spots with stain remover and run it through a cold-water cycle in your washing machine. Hang it outdoors in the sun to dry. Spruce up the zipper pull with a keychain-style accessory or a personalized bag tag. The backpack’s makeover is…

As a kid, I spent most of my summers at day camp. I have fond memories of those days too. It’s where I learned how to play Capture the Flag. It’s where I fell in love with canoeing. It’s where I learned a ridiculous amount of camp songs and games that I still remember to this day. It’s also where I learned how important sunscreen is for a pale, freckled redhead. If you have plans to send your kids to camp this summer, you can be sure they’ll spend their days swimming, making new friends, playing sports, learning new games, exploring nature, singing songs, laughing, and making memories to last a lifetime. That’s why packing lunches for day camp that will fuel them for endless days of fun is so important. Need some tips on how to pack a lunch for day camp that they’ll love? We’ve got β€˜em! Keep…

Camp season is equal parts excitement and stress. Your kids may be nervous, and you’re probably overwhelmed. It can be tricky to know what exactly to pack for your kids. Here is a sleepaway camp pack list that may reduce your stress a little bit; the list comprises notes from experienced camp moms and kids. Labels– Before ANYTHING goes into your bag, make sure it has a name label! This is non-negotiable. Here’s the best option. TOILETRIES: Toiletries Caddy– A waterproof caddy for bringing all their items to the showers; it’s ok if it gets wet. And it means they always have everything they need for the shower with them. Bug Spray– make sure it’s something you’ve used before so your child doesn’t discover an irritation at camp. Hydrocortisone– or something similar to soothe itchy skin. Sunblock– Don’t leave home without it, ever. Make sure it’s waterproof (not just water…

It won’t be long before school is all wrapped up for another year, and it’s off to camp for our little darlings. If you have not yet ventured into overnight camp yet, then I’m sure your kids are gearing up to the fun local activity of day camp. With so many options out there, your kiddos are sure to have a fun summer full of adventure, learning and new friendships. As we prepare for day camp, I thought I’d share some of the awesome finds that my kiddos will be definitely be carrying in their backpacks this summer. Green’s Your Colour Water BottleΒ  Day camp is thirsty work and you don’t want your little one getting dehydrated. I love the water bottles from Green’s Your Colour because they’re BPA-free, stainless steel and they keep liquids hot or cold for many hours. Bonus? the colours are gorgeous. …

It’s where I learned to play Capture the Flag, made lifelong friends, and learned to canoe – which I still love to this day. It’s where I caught frogs and turtles, learned the importance of sunscreen for a pale, redheaded kid, and where I learned a crazy amount of camp songs…that I now proudly teach my own kids! Anyone for a verse of ‘Going on a Lion Hunt’? Summer Camp. I spent every single summer at camp as a kid. And you know what? I loved every minute of it. I loved all the games, the sports and the exploring! I loved spending afternoons building sandcastles with the other kids. I even loved the day I got hit in the eye with a baseball and my brother ran over and yelled β€œLook at all the blood!”. I had a massive black eye and got five stitches across my eyebrow. I…

Several years ago, my now teenagers went off to sleep-away camp for the first time. On top of learning about getting organized for camp (the fun part), I also had to prepare everyone (OK, me) emotionally for being without my little darlings (the hard part). My newly minted eight-year-old will be going to sleep-away camp for the first time, for two weeks at the end of August. He will be my sixth child to attend sleep-away camp, and I find the same old worries creeping in. I knew I had to prepare myself for kids going to sleep-away camp. So, I’m reminding myself of three things: He might evolve This kid is my picky eater. I’m pretty sure he will starve for the entire two weeks. While one side of me is convinced of this, the other side knows that he might just start eating what everyone else is eating…