baby-content-more Archives - The Mabelhood Wed, 03 Apr 2024 17:42:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 baby-content-more Archives - The Mabelhood 32 32 What to Pack for Daycare; And What Comes Back-And-Forth Wed, 26 Oct 2022 16:39:56 +0000 When sending your baby to daycare for the first time, it can be daunting to know what to pack. Daycare providers often provide a list of what to pack, but they’re usually short on details. So, here is our list of what to pack for daycare – a little more informative. There are many things [...]

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When sending your baby to daycare for the first time, it can be daunting to know what to pack. Daycare providers often provide a list of what to pack, but they’re usually short on details. So, here is our list of what to pack for daycare – a little more informative. There are many things to think about, especially if you have a child with medical needs, sensitivities, or who’s just quite emotional; all these aspects affect your packing list. So, while this list is the essentials, you know what’s best for your child as a parent. First things first, purchase your adorable daycare labels!

 A change of clothes

Your daycare may suggest you pack a change of clothes. We suggest packing two. Remember the changing weather, so while you may provide a spare onesie- great for a hot day, you’ll also need long sleeves. So, we suggest packing two spares, one for warmer weather and one for cooler—this way. Then, you know you’re always covered.  

Pack many more if your child is in the middle of potty training. 5 or 6 pairs of extra underwear and the same number of socks (because they always get wet too!) 

Bottles or drinking cups

Daycare will typically provide a detailed list of their bottle protocol. Usually, a sealed bottle which is appropriately labeled to avoid dangerous mix-ups. Here is a great informative list of how to prepare and label bottles for daycare

Formula or breastmilk

You will need to provide them to the daycare, and each daycare has its own rules on how to provide them. The key is making sure everything is properly labeled. Here is more information on how to label your bottles for daycare. Ask whether these items should come back home for cleaning daily, weekly or monthly.

Diapers, wipes, and cream

Check and see what your daycare will provide and what you’re responsible for providing. Then, if you have a preferred product, pack it. Especially when it comes to wipes and creams for babies with allergies- it’s really important to provide the products best for your baby’s skin and making sure they’re all labeled correctly is imperative. 


If a medication is prescribed by your baby’s doctor and will need to be administered while they are at daycare, you must talk this through with your daycare provider. They will have strict rules for this and often only administer medicine that a doctor has prescribed. 

If your child has a medical condition or allergy, ensure that your child has a medical plan with daycare before your first day.  


If applicable. It’s an excellent idea to put it on a strap and add a label to avoid getting lost, picked up, or mixed up with another baby.

Sunscreen/sun hat

Daycare will usually require you to apply sun cream in the morning, but it’s also important to provide it so they can reapply during the day and before heading outside. Make sure to label these too, especially important if your baby has sensitive skin, as you don’t want a rashy mix-up!

Coat & outdoor clothing; a back-and-forth item

Pretty self-explanatory. But if it’s a nice day and your baby isn’t wearing it on their way to daycare- it may be easy to forget. Once you assume, they don’t need it becomes more likely to rain. So while this may be an item you don’t pack and leave at daycare- you’ll still need to bring it and label it. 

Boots or outdoor shoes – a back-and-forth item

With wet weather, you must remember your indoor/outdoor shoes. Your daycare may require a change of shoes to ensure you’re not making the floor wet for all the babies crawling on it! Make sure your spare shoes are labeled. Depending on whether you want to purchase multiple shoes, this can be a back-and-forth item. 

Comfort items  

Ask about naptime and what’s provided, blankets, etc. You may want to pack additional lovies, blankets, or special comfort items. It can make naptime feel a little more like home. leave these items at daycare, and have duplicates, it’s too risky to forget a special item one day and have a sad baby at naptime. 

A Family Photo  

Some daycares request a family photo; it’s a nice little addition so baby or toddler to look at when they want to. 

You know your baby’s needs best, and you’ll be the best person to know what else they may need. Keep a daily list near the door helps on busy mornings (before you’ve had a coffee) to make sure none of the back-and-forth items have been missed. We also recommend leaving a pack of labels at the door. That way, if you have a new item or something that isn’t yet labeled- you can label it quickly and easily on your way out the door.

Here is the best selection of Daycare Labels. They’re your first defense against germs and ensure that all the stuff comes home again!

For daycare center’s looking for ways to keep germs out, check out our Fundraising Program where parents can purchase labels, and 20% commission goes back into the daycare center!

The post What to Pack for Daycare; And What Comes Back-And-Forth appeared first on The Mabelhood.

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Keeping Your Baby Safe From Germs This Flu Season Sat, 08 Jan 2022 07:03:00 +0000 Tips & Tricks on Managing the Germs and Family Expectations  We’re all familiar with the simple ways to keep our baby safe from germs, especially during flu season. Living through a pandemic has certainly taught us about washing our hands and wiping surfaces. It’s unlikely these days that any parent would use a public change [...]

The post Keeping Your Baby Safe From Germs This Flu Season appeared first on The Mabelhood.

Tips & Tricks on Managing the Germs and Family Expectations

 We’re all familiar with the simple ways to keep our baby safe from germs, especially during flu season. Living through a pandemic has certainly taught us about washing our hands and wiping surfaces. It’s unlikely these days that any parent would use a public change table without wiping it down first. But surface germs aren’t a parents only, or biggest concern. For infants, it’s more complicated.

 While it is essential for our babies to grow a strong immune system, these days, it’s more important to ensure we’re keeping our babies safe from germs that can cause them harm. Of course, they’re naturally exposed to germs every day. Still, it’s your job as parents to ensure they’re not deliberately exposed to more germs than needed, especially those coming from other people. Germs from other people can be quite harmful to an infant (we need not even mention the C-word), and other people (as we know *eye roll emoji*) are challenging to control. It doesn’t help that your bundle of joy is the most snuggly thing ever and everyone’s instinct is to give that adorable bundle a cuddle and a sniff.

 With flu season, RSV and other infections can cause serious harm to infants. Therefore, parents must work hard towards keeping the baby safe. Unfortunately, this often means being the bad guy to all those well-meaning grannies.  

Here are some Tips for Keeping your Baby Safe From Germs in Flu Season

 -Wash your hands 

 It should really go without saying, but let’s say it again for those in the back. Wash your hands! And make sure that any visitors wash their hands too. Make sure you’re always washing thoroughly, using soap. Wash often, and wash directly after touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.

 -Don’t allow sick guests 

 If anyone is sick, even if they’re almost recovered from a common cold- say no. Let’s rebook when you’re totally healthy. What is merely a common cold for an adult can lead to other severe infections such as pneumonia, bronchiolitis, and croup or RSV for an infant. Sick people near babies is a hard no. 

 -Ask people not to touch or especially kiss the baby  

 This can be a very touchy subject, especially with aunts, uncles, and grandparents. But you must stand your ground if this is something that’s important to you. Here are a few ways to politely get the point across. 

 I know how much you love (baby) and want to cuddle, but we aren’t comfortable with people touching them at this time; we appreciate your support in this.  

Based on the advice from our pediatrician, we’re only having direct family touch the baby during flu season; thank you for understanding.  

 Or depending on where your comfort level is… 

 We’d prefer if you’d only kiss and touch the baby’s feet, thanks.  

 Remember, it’s your baby and your responsibility to keep them safe and healthy. 

 -Carry baby in a sling or use a car seat cover

 It’s a deterrent. It’s far more unlikely that someone with come up and touch your baby if they’re comfortably nestled against your chest. Use this physical barrier when out or at family gatherings. Plus, your hands are already free, so Aunt Gladys can’t use the excuse that she can help “take baby off your hands” Plus, there are many other benefits to babywearing too.

 -Use Labels to avoid any pacifier or toy mix-ups while at playdates    

 Label all your baby’s items using these. This will ensure that no mix-ups with other babies’ pacifiers or toys happen while at childcare, a playdate of family function.

-Keep baby healthy, naturally

 Keep your baby well fed with all the balanced nutrition their little body needs. Allow them to get the sleep they need to let their immune system do its work. It won’t keep the germs away completely, but it can certainly help their little bodies fight what does come their way.

 -Keep up-to-date on doctor check-ups 

 Make sure your baby sticks to the vaccination schedule or speak with your pediatrician or family practitioner about what’s best for your family.

Everything will be okay…

 If you follow these tips and tricks, you’re doing everything you can to keep the baby safe. However, remember that sometimes it happens, and don’t beat yourself up if your baby does get sick. Instead, drop the guilt and put that effort into caring for them. You don’t have to monitor the germ situation intensely forever, but it is imperative in the first four months of a baby’s life. Once you reach that stage, you can start to loosen up the rules and allow the baby to be exposed to more.  

 Remember, after that age, babies are supposed to explore. After 6, you should still be careful with people’s germs, but also remember that it’s also vital for their immune systems to build, so let them explore and eat a little dirt too.

The post Keeping Your Baby Safe From Germs This Flu Season appeared first on The Mabelhood.

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