20 Unique Holiday Traditions

The holidays are a time of tradition. Some are so long standing we don’t even question them anymore. Like, I know there’s a reason we bring a live tree into our house and wrap lights and shiny, fragile things around it but I can’t remember what it is. Or turkey. Delicious, but I personally am unclear as to how stuffing, cooking and eating this particular breed of poultry became synonymous with the birth of baby Jesus.

20 Unique Holiday Traditions

The holidays are a time of tradition. Some are so long standing we don’t even question them anymore. Like, I know there’s a reason we bring a live tree into our house and wrap lights and shiny, fragile things around it but I can’t remember what it is. Or turkey. Delicious, but I personally am unclear as to how stuffing, cooking and eating this particular breed of poultry became synonymous with the birth of baby Jesus.

4 Gift Rule for Christmas

When the holidays roll around each year, we all feel the pressure to give our children a magical, memorable Christmas. Sometimes, that means we end up putting a ridiculous number of gifts under the tree. I mean, we all want to see those little faces light up, right? But if you think back to previous Christmases, how many of those gifts were played with for a day or two and then cast aside? How many were broken within the first week? (I’ve lost count with our youngest!) So, wouldn’t it be better to give our children fewer, but more thoughtful, gifts that they’ll REALLY love and appreciate?

10 Ways to Practice Self-Care When You Have a Newborn

When it comes to self-care as a new mom, you have to think like you’re taking off on a holiday. (Trust me; I’m going somewhere with this.) And, while any new mom will tell you that early postpartum life is hardly a vacay, there is a pearl of wisdom perfect for new mama self-care that you’ve likely heard recited by your flight attendant just before take-off: You must put on your own oxygen mask first.