
When it comes to children and sleep, one of the biggest concerns from parents is getting them to bed on time every night. Let’s face it, life is busy. Having a child who doesn’t want to go to sleep tests our limits, frustrates us, and can leave us feeling overwhelmed and beat. Nearly every parent has had to deal with the difficulty of putting a restless child to bed at some point, and for many parents, bedtime is a recurring disastrous nightmare.

A Guide to Kid's Movie Ratings

Our boys are movie lovers. They must get it from their Dad because I’ve said on more than one occasion “Life is too short, and movies are too long!” Don’t get me wrong, I do watch movies. Sometimes it’s nice to snuggle up on the couch with a blanket and popcorn and get lost in a really good story. I just don’t love movies as much as most people. Admittedly, I haven’t seen a lot of the most popular movies, like Stand By Me and Top Gun. Friends of mine were recently appalled by this!

How to Choose the Right Preschool

It’s no doubt that our children become our world and we want the best-of-the-best for them. But what happens when the best happens to be just mediocre? Many times our expectations will fall short, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t make adjustments to course correct. My daughter is 3-going-on-13 (I mean, about to turn 4) and we have switched her preschool 3 times already. I’ve learned a lot in my search for the perfect preschool, so take a lesson out of my book. These are the top things to consider when picking a great preschool for your little one.