Yesterday, when my 10-year old discovered the ironing board behind some clothes in my closet and asked ‘what’s this?’, I was: a) super proud…
When the then-emerging threat of COVID-19 resulted in schools being closed for an additional “two weeks” after March Break, I remember wondering how I…
One positive thing about our current situation: it’s a great time to teach kids about gratitude, and brainstorm creative ways to say thank you.
Remember when our daily mom-tasks were fairly straightforward? We packed lunches, folded laundry and tried to keep the house generally tidy. These days, with…
Those of us at home right now are doing a lot of sitting.
My twins hate learning to play piano. It kills me to do so, but I’m on the verge of letting them off the hook.…
From parenting hacks, to supportive words, parents are taking to Reddit to express solidarity during these crazy COVID-19 times. As we’re all navigating this…
As a parent in isolation, I am struggling with homeschooling and working simultaneously. My grey hairs are multiplying (with no hope of dyeing over…
I currently have a houseful of teens. Parents of teens are discovering the unique challenges isolation presents for this age group. So far, I’m…